Saturday, May 20, 2006

Women can read men


Women can read men like books

"A GROUP of scientists has discovered that women are attracted to men who are fond of children..

When asked to rate the men's masculinity, the women agreed on who was top and who was bottom, and their rankings correlated with the testosterone levels from the swabs. What was novel was that when asked to rate the men's liking of children from the photographs, they ranked them in the same order as the researchers had done from the interest the men themselves had shown in pictures of infants...

The surprise is this: some men were perceived both as masculine and as interested in children. From an evolutionary point of view, a trade-off between the two would have been predicted. That would produce what is known as an evolutionarily stable strategy in which the child-loving men father fewer babies to start with, but see as many live to maturity because they help to raise them rather than deserting the mothers. From the female point of view, the existence of men who are both hunky and child-friendly might seem too good to be true..."

So, either the women commit a mistake in believing the contradictions or some men are too good in disguising their actual predilections or the law of evolution is not always true !!!.

What about men? Do you think they can read women? I think men can read women like books, too. Some are romantic novels, some are mysterious, some are erotic books, some are non-fictions and some even are science fiction kind. So if you want to read many kinds of  books, you should date as many women as you can!. But one common rule is that after marriage, all these books are automatically no longer books but become radios.

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