Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Entry for March 28, 2007

Hai bài tiểu luận rất quan trọng của Susan Sontag- một trong các gương mặt trí thức nổi tiếng nhất của Mỹ- về nghệ thuật:

Against Interpretation

On Style

Mới đọc được hết cái thứ nhất. Thấy quan điểm của bà này rất thú vị và hiện đại, dù được viết ra từ thập niên 1960s.

Trích 1 đoạn về cách các nhà phê bình "đọc" Kafka:

"The work of Kafka, for example, has been subjected to a mass ravishment by no less than three armies of interpreters. Those who read Kafka as a social allegory see case studies of the frustrations and insanity of modern bureaucracy and its ultimate issuance in the totalitarian state. Those who read Kafka as a psychoanalytic allegory see desperate revelations of Kafka's fear of his father, his castration anxieties, his sense of his own impotence, his thralldom to his dreams. Those who read Kafka as a religious allegory explain that K. in The Castle is trying to gain access to heaven, that Josepl K. in The Trial is being judged by the inexorable and mysterious justice of God. . . . Another oeuvre that has attracted interpreters like leeches is that of Samuel Beckett. Beckett's delicate dramas of the withdrawn consciousness - pared down to essentials, cut off, often represented as physically immobilized - are read as a statement about modern man's alienation from meaning or from God, or as an allegory of psychopathology. "

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